Girl Scouts
NEW Water and UW-Green Bay have joined forces since 2016 to help Girl Scouts from around Wisconsin earn their “Wonders of Water” badges.
Activities include learning about the infamous water bear microorganism and watching them swim under microscopes; learning about cleaning water by making water filters; learning about aquatic life in “Who’s in your stream?” simulating runoff in a community through an Enviroscape activity; and creating bracelets representative of the water cycle.
NEW Water started the initiative in 2015, and since that time, has helped 100s of girls learn about science, engineering, and the importance of protecting our most valuable resource, water. In 2019, the Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes lauded NEW Water staff with a Community Partnership Certificate of Recognition.
"We are extremely grateful to partner with NEW Water for the WOW! Wonders of Water journey for Brownie Girl Scouts. Now in its fifth year, the partnership allows our girls to have a creative, hands-on learning experience delivered by the expert role mode is like the women engineers and scientists at NEW Water. In return, we hope that you enjoy the rewards of helping girls discover, connect, and take action in their community so they may make the world a better place. We are pleased to nominate NEW Water for a 2019 Community Partnership Award and appreciate all that you do for Girl Scouts!" ~ Karmen Lemke, CEO of the Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes
Pictures (top to bottom): Girl Scouts participating in activities. The NEW Water Girl Scout Team: Rita Krause, Lisa Sarau, Tricia Garrison, Holly Blazer, and Erin Schroth. The 2019 group of Girl Scouts that earned their “Wonders of Water” badge.