Celebrating the 90th year of protecting our most valuable resource, water.
NEW Water wins Innovation Award for records management efforts
NEW Water has received the 2020 ARMA Milwaukee Innovation Award. This award recognizes organizations that have taken steps to support and advance the people, processes, and technology needed to further the overall mission of Records and Information Management/Information Governance within their industry. NEW Water is actually the inaugural recipient of this award, which is truly special!
A big thank you to the Administrative Services staff for their efforts in Records and Information Management/Information Governance. This award would not have been possible without their efforts!
Local industries lauded
NEW Water applauds local industries, which received Significant Industrial User Awards for achieving permit compliance! Thank you industries for doing your part to protect Wisconsin’s waters!
PFAS: NEW Water looking to partner on cost-effective pollution prevention
You’ve likely heard about PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) in the news as a “forever chemical.” PFAS are chemicals that are in everyday items including pizza boxes, dental floss, fast food hamburger wrappers, nonstick kitchen cookware, carpeting, and more. They are found in our waterways, in the air, and in the soil.
Currently, regulation of the water sector for PFAS is being discussed both regionally and nationally. As such, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has asked water partners in the state to address this issue. NEW Water will be reaching out to area businesses and industries with a PFAS survey shortly, to assess where PFAS is used in Northeast Wisconsin.
NEW Water's "Thank You, Farmers!" video receives national honors
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies has lauded NEW Water with a Public Information & Education Award for its "Thank You, Farmers!" video. “We created the video to show gratitude for our agricultural partners out in the watershed, doing extraordinary work to help protect our most valuable resource, water,” said Tom Sigmund, Executive Director of NEW Water. Watch the video and learn more at the link below.
NEW Water "breaks tradition" and honors Nancy Quirk of Green Bay Water with NEW Watershed Champion Award
Green Bay Water Utility was first in the nation to voluntarily remove lead service lines
The 8th annual NEW Watershed Champion ceremony has broken tradition.
Nancy Quirk, P.E., General Manager of the Green Bay Water Utility, was honored in a surprise virtual call by Tom Sigmund, Executive Director of NEW Water, and Kathryn Hasselblad, President of the NEW Water Commission and Commissioner for Green Bay Water Utility. For the past seven years, the two utilities have jointly given this award to a community member for their efforts to improve area waters.
Wastewater infrastructure gets a D+ across USA
The American Society of Civil Engineers has released a “report card” of infrastructure across the U.S., and wastewater is in need of investment to keep systems reliable.
NEW Water update meeting and Inflow & Infiltration workshop
NEW Water held an update meeting on March 25, with topics including PFAS, budget, Facilities Plan, and more.
What is "Inflow & Infiltration?"
During wet weather events, NEW Water receives upwards of 3 – 5 times the normal amount of water coming through its system and into its facilities to be treated. And that’s not because people are flushing their toilets more frequently. What’s going on, and why should you care?
Spring cleaning? Dispose of household hazardous wastes properly
NEW Water teamed up with Brown County Hazardous Material Recovery to promote proper disposal of common household hazardous materials during National Poison Prevention Week in March. Please do your part to protect our water, don't flush down the toilet, or pour hazardous waste down the drain! Brown County makes proper disposal easy.
Brown County United Way applauds NEW Water for COVID-19 employee giving campaign
Brown County United Way awarded NEW Water with a Shining Star for holding a special employee giving campaign to raise funds for their Emergency Response COVID-19 effort.
On, Wisconsin! First-ever "Wisconsin Water Week"
NEW Water participated in the inaugural “Wisconsin Water Week” in March, which included a panel discussion titled “Think Globally, Act Locally: On, Wisconsin! (Wicked Water Challenges & Solutions in Wisconsin).” Led by Water Environment Federation President Lynn Broaddus, the panel included NEW Water Executive Director Tom Sigmund.
Programming also included Northeast Wisconsin water issues, and featured U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich, and a presentation about NEW Water’s watershed efforts.