NEW Water is excited to bring two long-term monitoring stations into a new era of (near) real-time data collection.
Situated seven miles north of the mouth of the Fox River in the lower Green Bay is a little yellow buoy. This small but mighty buoy is equipped with a weather station that can be very beneficial for water recreation in the lower Green Bay area, and is also equipped with two water quality tools that have sensors to measure a suite of water quality parameters such as water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and total algae. The buoy is powered by solar and communicates data to local websites for users to view. This buoy is appropriately named the Green Bay Entrance Light buoy, given its close proximity to the Entrance Lighthouse located in lower Green Bay.
Situated at the mouth of the Fox River, an important confluence of water from the Fox River depositing into lower Green Bay, is another long-term monitoring station appropriately named the Fox River Station. This station has also historically collected water quality data. Aided by a mini-grant from the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS), the Fox River station is also coming online and into (near) real-time. The mini-grant also provided funding to add a weather station and equipment to measure phosphate, an important nutrient of interest, to the station.
Check out the data from the Green Bay Entrance Light and Fox River stations here >>
NEW Water’s Aquatic Monitoring Program has been collecting water quality data in the Bay of Green Bay since 1986. For more information visit the Aquatic Monitoring Program page.