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NEW Watershed Program - Conservation Practices

Why install conservation practices or best management practices (BMPs)?

  • Address problem areas: Conservation practices target and rectify specific issues within the agricultural fields, enhancing overall field health.
  • Tailor to your farm goals: Find the right practice that aligns with your unique farm management objectives for optimal results.
  • Boost soil health: Enhance soil vitality and promote greater water infiltration.
  • Improve drainage: Implement practices that optimize drainage, reduce soil and nutrient loss, and lead to better field productivity.

What are the benefits to water quality?

  • Reduce soil erosion: By stabilizing concentrated flow paths and actively eroding areas, runoff of sediment and nutrients is minimized, leading to cleaner water resources.
  • Mitigate downstream erosion: By enhancing water infiltration and capturing runoff upstream, downstream velocities are reduced, which decreases bank erosion.
  • Enhance water and stream habitat: Treating surface runoff upstream improves both water quality and the health of in-stream habitats, fostering a more resilient aquatic ecosystem.

What types of conservation practices can be installed?

  • Structural Practice vs. Operational Practice

    • A structural practice is a method that is engineered and implemented to provide a long-term solution within a traditional crop system. 
    • An operational practice is a recurring annual practice implemented to build and enhance soil health within a traditional crop system. 

Structural Practices

Conservation Practices of Two-Staged Ditch

Two-Stage Ditches

Two-stage ditches are an advanced conservation practice designed to enhance water management while providing multiple benefits.

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Operational Practice

Conservation Practice of Drone Seeding

Drone Seeding

Drone seeding is an innovative agricultural technique that employs drones to distribute seeds, like cover crops, over fields.

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