NEW Water News | NEW Water

Raking up leaves

Written by NEW Water | October 14, 2021

What gets in our water when fall is in the air?

October 2021 - WBAY featured NEW Water highlighting the importance raking leaves has on the environment, which can be a fun activity you do with your kids or partner. Cleaning storm drains by raking leaves out of the way can create safer water for us and the local wildlife.

“By keeping these storm drains clear, we’re helping drainage of our communities,” Erin Houghton, Watershed Program Manager for NEW Water, said. “But, by keeping them clear we’re also keeping that rain water and precipitation melt water cleaner because what goes into a storm drain and ultimately gets conveyed to our local rivers and bay does not get treated in any way.”

The purpose of a storm drain is to collect rain, melted snow, or ice but it doesn’t filter out excess material. Excess phosphorus and soil sediments get into the water which can block sunlight to aquatic vegetation. Plus, it can make bodies of water like the Fox River a chocolate milk-like color that prevents things like algae from growing.

“Within a community, I think we all take for granted the level of impact that we have on our local waterways,” Houghton said. “One example of that is taking for granted the storm water drains and what they do and how they help us but ultimately what their main purpose is.”

If you’re willing to help, contact your local municipality to learn more about where you can drop off your extra leaves. Read the full story here

Fall colors are fleeing, and it’s now time to rake those leaves and keep your nearby storm drain clear to help protect our waterways. Together we can protect One Water!

Learn what you can do to #LoveYourWatershed this fall >>