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Central States Water Magazine features NEW Water

Written by NEW Water | January 3, 2023

"Consistent small actions can make a big difference"

Central States Water Magazine featured an article from Wisconsin Section President and NEW Water Treatment Lead, Jake Becken, which talks about how "a few small actions each day can make a huge difference."

Excerpts from the Central States Water magazine are found below,

If you have a huge project that seems overwhelming just start chipping away at it a little each day. Regardless of what task it is, we all have things in our daily lives that we could be doing. With a slight change in mindset and focus on doing the little things right, we can all make a big difference. Maybe the small task involves stepping outside of your comfort zone, maybe you think you are unqualified and underprepared. It doesn't matter; if you go into the task with work ethic and a drive to succeed more often than not you will. 

"If you do fail, get right back up, learn from the shortcomings and start working hard again by doing the small things right." 

- from Central States Water Magazine, Winter 2022 Edition 

To read past issues of the magazine, please visit: